Formation of the company’s image by means of visual communications / Формирование имиджа компании с помощью визуальных коммуникаций

Гайдученко Анна Сергеевна,

Айвазян Кристина Арменовна,

Российский экономический университет имени Г.В.Плеханова

Anna Sergeevna Gaiduchenko

Kristina Armenovna Aivazyan

Plekhanov Russian University of Economics 

В рамках исследования рассмотрена актуальность формирования имиджа бренда по средствам визуальных коммуникаций. Доказано временем, что благодаря имиджу бренда фирма может стабильно функционировать, развиваться, поддерживать партнерские отношения и даже оставаться на плаву в случае возникновения кризисных ситуаций. Привлекательный облик компании служит основой для привлечения новых сотрудников и расширения клиентской базы

The study examined the relevance of forming a brand image using visual communications. It has been proven over time that, thanks to the brand image, a company can function stably, develop, maintain partnerships and even stay afloat in the event of a crisis.  The attractive appearance of the company serves as the basis for attracting new employees and expanding the client base

  1. Годин, А.М. Брендинг: Учебное пособие / А.М. Годин. — М.: Дашков и К, 2016. — 184 c.
  2. Иванов А.А. БРЕНДИНГ: учеб. пособие / Иванов А. А -Комсомольскна-Амуре. 2013
  3. Методика анализа имиджа и его положения в информационном пространстве: учебник / Мозолин А.В.– М.: Омега-Л, 2013. – 44 с.
  4. Прудовская О.Ю. Эволюция визуальных коммуникаций в процессе проектирования // Теория и история искусства №4 (67), 2017 Электронный ресурс. URL: []
  5. Розенсон И.А. Основы теории дизайна: Стандарт третьего поколения / И.А. Розенсон. — СПб.: Питер, 2016.
  6. Шарков, Ф.И. Интегрированные коммуникации: реклама, паблик рилейшнз, брендинг: Учебное пособие / Ф.И. Шарков. — М.: Дашков и К, 2016. — 324 c.

Реклама, визуальные коммуникации, имидж, бренд, психология, маркетинг

Advertising, visual communications, image, brand, psychology, marketing

Гайдученко А. С., Айвазян К. А., Фоминых Н. Ю. Формирование имиджа компании с помощью визуальных коммуникаций // Век информации (Сетевое издание), 2021, Т.5 №3(16) август 2021

Gaiduchenko A. S. Aivazyan K. A.. Fominykh N. Formation of the company’s image by means of visual communications //The Age of Information (Network edition), 2021, Vol.5 No. 3 (16) August 2021

Relevance of forming a brand image using visual communications is due to the fact that in the modern world, where information technologies are developed and all companies have great competition, it is important to create a positive image of the company for further development and preservation of the brand. Therefore, this topic is important for research in modern society. In this article, we reveal the problems of brand image using visual communications. The topic of branding has long gone beyond marketing and advertising. The success of the manufacturer’s company, the speed of product promotion and sales volumes depend on the amount of positive emotions and associations caused by the product. Today the consumer is ready to pay not so much for the product as for the name. Brend are indicators of consumer pref ochteny different target groups . Brands affect the lives of individuals and social groups, changing the culture of entire generations and societies. Brand visual communications are the main channel for communicating brand ideas and values, which makes them the most interesting…. To understand the influence of social and cultural factors on the characteristics of the formation and perception by consumers of visual communications of a brand, it is first worth dwelling on the basic concepts. There is a heated debate about what a brand is today, this is primarily due to the fact that a brand is a complex mental structure in the minds of consumers, and includes many factors. And also , as mentioned earlier, this concept is at the junction of a number of scientific areas: marketing, jurisprudence, psychology, sociology, anthropology, cultural studies. Brand development is a thoughtful strategy that takes into account the philosophy, positioning and production of certain forms of advertising exposure. The key component of Branding is the formation of a recognizable and memorable visual image aimed at fulfilling a specific task — attracting customers. Here is one of the definitions of a brand. A brand is a complex of visual, semantic and value characteristics that not only make it possible to distinguish goods, but also give them additional, generally recognized social and commercial value . It is customary to call a brand a «product name», which is well known to the consumer, and the positive characteristics of the product are beyond doubt. The development of modern technologies has led to the fact that a manufacturer who wants to sell a product must invest in advertising. However, for a marketing campaign to pay off and make a profit, the product needs to be recognizable and distinguishable from competitors. The brand in this case is nothing more than the «name» of the product. It is customary to call a branding a marketing company aimed at recognizing a particular brand and building loyalty to it among the consumer audience. The main role of the visual image is the transfer of the brand image into a graphic image, conveying information about the company and the product, ideas and principles to the consumer through colors, graphics and fonts located on the elements of the company’s corporate identity. Serious manufacturers spend millions of dollars on brand development and advertising and employ huge staffs to promote the product. There should be goals and objectives. It is important to understand who will be the main user of the product and to akuyu main problem will require Itel help solve your product. As it is impossible to promote a product without a website, so it is impossible without a logo — a recognizable graphic image directly associated with the product. It is impossible to promote a product without a logo — a recognizable graphic image directly associated with the product. The logo is the client’s first acquaintance with your company. It is by him that many judge the services and goods offered and, often, decide whether to give their preference to your business or to go to competitors. Therefore, the logo should be as associative as possible and evoke only positive emotions in the client . Customer confidence is an important aspect in creating a company’s image. Not all companies have their own logo, but a company focused on quality and customer love must have one. Obviously, buyers trust more products that have a name on them . Do not forget that the logo helps to make any product unusual, to add some distinctive mark to it. One of the goals of the logo is the Association. Very often, it is the logo that is the first factor encountered by the client when getting to know your organization. He also plays an integral role in shaping the customer’s opinion about your product. Therefore, it should be associated with your organization, and therefore activities. N Periodically there are companies that do not have a logo. But those who set themselves the task of staying in the client’s memories need this tool. Naturally, customers increase their credit of trust in the product, which bears the manufacturer’s trademark. The logo is full of features, for example :   

  • Actual — is responsible for visual communication between the visitor and the company. Most often it is displayed in the form of: signboards in shop windows or a banner on a car. 
  • Expressive — focuses the visitor’s attention on the goals and objectives of the organization. 
  • Referential — conveys basic information about the organization and its product or service. 
  • Impressive — influences the emotional component of the consumer so that the logo remains in his memory.
  • Poetic — disposes to the client’s logo through its artistic and aesthetic perception.
  • Metalinguistic — draws the visitor’s attention to the symbolic evaluation of the logo.

Color has a direct interaction with the psychological state of a person and the perception of information by the brain, in addition, color evokes associative images and sensations. It is the color that works with the subconscious of the consumer, endowing the entire brand with a sacred meaning. The wrong color message can ruin all brand promotion work. At the same time, the color scheme must fully comply with the brand positioning strategy and be sustainable. It is the right color that is able to convey the idea of ​​the brand to the consumer, is able to attract attention and find a response in the minds and hearts of the consumer. Color is necessary for expressing and emphasizing the form, focusing the consumer’s attention on the basics and hiding little things. Even a slight change in shade can change the signal sent to the subconscious of the consumer to a diametrically opposite one. The development and selection of a color scheme should not happen by chance, should not depend on the preferences of the head of the company. It should be the result of market research and consumer preferences . A graphic solution is an equally important element of the brand’s visual image. He is responsible for the brand awareness and elements of the corporate identity and determines the direction of the brand promotion strategy. The main graphic solution that betrays the brand image is the logo. Through the logo, the brand’s affiliation to a group of products, and even the philosophy and beliefs of the company can be broadcast . A typeface is capable of influencing the emotional perception of a consumer just as much as shapes and colors. Therefore, its development should be given no less time than working with color and graphics. Its main task is to visually attract and retain the attention of the consumer, to tie thoughts to the brand image. He acts as a transmitter of the brand’s message, values ​​and qualities. Regardless of the choice of the font, it should become a part of the corporate identity of the company. When choosing a font, a company should strive to interact with the consumer’s unconscious, trying to evoke associations and feelings in him . It can be both creating a sense of elitism, significance, and fun, openness, following traditions. From these associations, a general image inherent in the brand is built, which is aimed at influencing a specific target audience.

A modern brand visual identity system must be integral. This Eyed entika is pervasive — it is plastic, can be easily transformed for the needs of any visual , treatment . The brand image is complemented by the personal sensations of consumers, which are formed by sight, hearing, touch, and smells. This multichannel communication impact is provided by all the attributes and components of the brand, coming from different sources . Brand image is a category that evolves over time and can therefore change by interpreting a brand’s personality at a particular stage in its life cycle. As practice shows, communicative means, forms and methods that are able to create stable images and transfer associations are of the greatest importance in the formation of a brand image. These primarily include advertising, PR, event promotions, sponsorship, as well as brand placement in artwork and other advertising technologies and methods. Advertising is a traditional communication tool and is of paramount importance in creating a brand image. Advertising in the media about suschestvlyaetsya in the form of advertisements. On television and radio fame and arr al brand formed rollers CAMPAIGNS amnymi news reports and show. Online branding uses banner networks, search engines, and email newsletters for advertising purposes. Methods of communicative influence are of particular importance for the creation and development of a brand image on the market:     

  • The showcase method is used to represent the physical and functional benefits of the brand, especially when they are unique. P Height demonstration involves a visual representation of the brand attributes. With ravnitelnaya demonstration is based on a comparison with competing brand counterparts to show its superiority over them . A Demos «before» and «after» focuses the result of the use of the brand and shows how the brand is able to solve the problem of consumer;     
  • the witnessing method is effective enough to create a context of consumption or to form the image of a typical consumer: testimonials of specialists are used when it is important to emphasize the professional advantages of a brand (toothpaste is advertised by a dentist, machine oil — by a race car driver). Since celebrity visions are effective means of creating brand image, they cause attachment to imitative images. With the vision of ordinary people, they are effective in advertising consumer goods. In some cases, consumers are more willing to believe the words «like them» rather than the stars and experts.

The visual strategy develops content maps to ensure that each visual incarnation, either within a single campaign or across the entire organization, accurately conveys the message, works correctly with the communication strategy, and effectively communicates with target audiences. Thus, we believe that more than half of the success in achieving its goal can be attributed to the visual component of human communication. Even Aristotle pointed out «… words do not exist without images …», noting that verbal and non-verbal communication channels are equally important. The history of the development of mankind convincingly testifies to the importance of visual communication and its priority over the visual component. And the world famous German historian, documentary photographer H. Gernsheim noted that «… photography is the only language understandable in all parts of the world, connecting all nations and cultures …».

“Design is the silent ambassador for your brand,” graphic designer Paul Rand said. We agree with his opinion, because Paul changed the business, he made everyone play by his own rules, because design is, first of all, a means for business development, and not just a beautiful picture. Everyone in graphic design owes a lot to Rand. After all, he made the profession of graphic designer credible. He believed that above all, the logo serves the role of company identification and ease of perception. The effectiveness of a good logo depends on originality, adaptability, visibility memorability, recognition and durability Summing up, I would like to once again focus on the fact that brand visualization is a strict calculation of all the little things, the development of each element within the framework of the brand’s strategy and philosophy, carrying the necessary semantic and emotional load, causing the necessary associations. The success and effectiveness of the visual image directly depends on the brand positioning strategy and focus, accurate awareness of the desires of the target audience. One of the most important tasks of a modern visual identification system is to make all of its elements, from the logo, meaningful and applicable. We have figured out what brand and branding are . Of course, working on it will take a lot of time and effort. But it is important to understand that these are the same investments in the future of the company, as, for example, the acquisition of modern equipment. Once you declare yourself in the market, and by creating a positive reputation, you will not only attract your consumer, but also earn a name that will subsequently work for you. In our time, in the conditions of tough competition, it is often the brand that becomes the very «anchor» that does not allow the potential consumer to leave. And now the promotion of any product is impossible without marketing, both in the real world and in the virtual one.


Список литературы

  1. Годин, А.М. Брендинг: Учебное пособие / А.М. Годин. — М.: Дашков и К, 2016. — 184 c.
  2. Иванов А.А. БРЕНДИНГ: учеб. пособие / Иванов А. А -Комсомольскна-Амуре. 2013
  3. Методика анализа имиджа и его положения в информационном пространстве: учебник / Мозолин А.В.– М.: Омега-Л, 2013. – 44 с.
  4. Прудовская О.Ю. Эволюция визуальных коммуникаций в процессе проектирования // Теория и история искусства №4 (67), 2017 Электронный ресурс. URL: []
  5. Розенсон И.А. Основы теории дизайна: Стандарт третьего поколения / И.А. Розенсон. — СПб.: Питер, 2016.
  6. Шарков, Ф.И. Интегрированные коммуникации: реклама, паблик рилейшнз, брендинг: Учебное пособие / Ф.И. Шарков. — М.: Дашков и К, 2016. — 324 c.