Жадрина Ирина Михайловна
Российский экономический университет им. Г.В. Плеханова
Кохан Алина Александровна
Российский экономический университет им. Г.В. Плеханова
Irina Zhadrina Mikhailovna
Faculty of Marketing
Plekhanov Russian University of Economics
Alina Kokhan Aleksandrovna
Faculty of Marketing
Plekhanov Russian University of Economics
В данной статье рассматриваются основные средства реализации контент-маркетинга в современных условиях, его основные задачи, виды и функции на современном рекламном рынке.
In this article, we consider the main means of implementing content marketing in modern conditions, its main tasks, types and functions in the modern advertising market
- Pyanova N. V., Popova A. I., Blinchikova D. A., Lygina N. I. / SEO or content marketing: what to spend time on for a marketer / / Izvestiya Southwestern State University. Series: Economics. Sociology. Management, 2020, Vol. 10, No 5, pp. 116-123.
- Gavrikov A. / Content marketing: what is it, why is it needed, and how to develop a strategy? / URL: https://blog.completo.ru/kontent-marketing-razrabotka-strategii/ (дата обращения: 29.03.2020).
- Grinko. / Organization of content marketing processes / https://doi.org/10.29235/1818-9857-2020-2 — 64-69
- Handley E. / Everybody Writes: Your Go-To Guide to Creating Ridiculously Good Content / E. Handley. – NewYorkJersey, 2014.
- Odden L. / Selling services content. How to link Content Marketing, SEO, and Social Media into a single system / LiOdden, Moscow, 2013.
- Naseri S./ Content Marketing Process Model: A Meta-Synthesis of the Literature // http://www.webology.org/2018/v15n1/a161.pdf.
- Kotler Marketing in the third millennium // Moscow: Publ., 2000. page 87
- Cooper, R.G. The NewProd System: The Industry Experience, in: Journal of Product Innovation Management, 1992, Vol.9, pp.113-127.
- Kotler R., Rackham N., Krishnaswamy S. Ending the War Between Sales and Marketing. [Article]. // Harvard Business Review. July-August, 2006
- Stelzner M. Content marketing / New methods of attracting customers in the Internet era //. — MYTH, 2013. 13 p.
- Kisseyn E. Content Strategy Basics [Fundamentals of content strategy]. — MYTH, 2012. 5 p.
- Stelzner M. Content marketing. New methods of attracting customers in the Internet era // — MYTH, 2013. 13 p.
- Pyanova N. V., Popova A. I., Blinchikova D. A., Lygina N. I. / SEO or content marketing: what to spend time on for a marketer / / Izvestiya Southwestern State University. Series: Economics. Sociology. Management, 2020, Vol. 10, No 5, pp. 116-123.
- Gavrikov A. / Content marketing: what is it, why is it needed, and how to develop a strategy? / URL: https://blog.completo.ru/kontent-marketing-razrabotka-strategii/ (дата обращения: 29.03.2020).
- Grinko. / Organization of content marketing processes / https://doi.org/10.29235/1818-9857-2020-2 — 64-69
- Handley E. / Everybody Writes: Your Go-To Guide to Creating Ridiculously Good Content / E. Handley. – NewYorkJersey, 2014.
- Odden L. / Selling services content. How to link Content Marketing, SEO, and Social Media into a single system / LiOdden, Moscow, 2013.
- Naseri S./ Content Marketing Process Model: A Meta-Synthesis of the Literature // http://www.webology.org/2018/v15n1/a161.pdf.
- Kotler Marketing in the third millennium // Moscow: Publ., 2000. page 87
- Cooper, R.G. The NewProd System: The Industry Experience, in: Journal of Product Innovation Management, 1992, Vol.9, pp.113-127.
- Kotler R., Rackham N., Krishnaswamy S. Ending the War Between Sales and Marketing. [Article]. // Harvard Business Review. July-August, 2006
- Stelzner M. Content marketing / New methods of attracting customers in the Internet era //. — MYTH, 2013. 13 p.
- Kisseyn E. Content Strategy Basics [Fundamentals of content strategy]. — MYTH, 2012. 5 p.
- Stelzner M. Content marketing. New methods of attracting customers in the Internet era // — MYTH, 2013. 13 p.
на статью Content marketing and its value in the modern world/Контент маркетинг и его ценность в современном мире
Представленная статья посвящена новому и актуальному направлению маркетинговых знаний. В статье обозначены ценности контент-маркетинга в современном мире. По мнению автора, они настолько велики, что сейчас трудно найти компанию, которая не использовала бы его. Долгое время он остается в списке трендов и является одним из обязательных шагов, которые должна предпринять компания, развивающая свои веб-ресурсы в Интернете. Такое мнение высказывают Н. В. Пьянова, А. И. Попова, Д. А. Блинчикова, Н. И. Лыгина в статье «SEO или контент-маркетинг: на что тратить время маркетолога».
В статье представлены различные точки зрения на проблему.
В качестве замечания можно отметить следующее: статья носит в большей мере теоретический характер и требует развития идей в прикладной сфере.
В целом, высказанное замечание не снижает научной и практической ценности представленной работы. Рекомендую данную статью к публикации.
К.В. Силантьев, канд. фил. н., доцент кафедры истории журналистики СПбГУ.
Маркетинг, продвижение, контент, стратегия, диджитал
marketing, promotion, content, strategy, digital.
Жадрина И.М., Кохан А., А., Фоминых Н. Ю. Контент маркетинг и его ценность в современном мире // Век информации (Сетевое издание), 2021, Т.5 №3(16) август 2021 https://doi.org/10.33941/age-info.com53(16)7
Zhadrina I. M., Kokhan A.A., Fominykh N. Content marketing and its value in the modern world //The Age of Information (Network edition), 2021, Vol.5 No. 3 (16) August 2021 https://doi.org/10.33941/age-info.com53(16)7
21st century is a time of digital technologies and digitalization. Now it is difficult to imagine your life without a phone, news feed and advertising, which haunts us at every turn. About how brands use content marketing for promotion and why it has become so popular. This was discussed by many authors in their works, which describe different concepts and approaches to considering the concept of content marketing in different fields of activity.
The value of content marketing is so great in the modern world that it is now difficult to find a company that has not used it. For a long period of time, it remains on the list of trends and is one of the mandatory steps that a company that develops its web resources on the Internet should take. This opinion is expressed by N. V. Pyanova, A. I. Popova, D. A. Blinchikova, N. I. Lygina in the article “SEO or content marketing: what to spend a marketer’s time on » [1].
To understand the concept of content marketing, you need to understand that this is not a direct advertisement, it does not encourage us to buy, but generates useful content for the user. This is a systematic and constant work that pays off after a certain amount of time. This definition was formulated by A. Gavrikov in his work “Content marketing: what is it, why is it needed, and how to develop a strategy?” [2].
I would also like to consider the question that F. raises. Kotler believes that positioning marketing at the center of the innovation management system also makes it possible to introduce marketing tools at each stage of the innovation cycle, thus creating a new type of applied marketing-innovation marketing. The integration of marketers in all stages of the innovation process is a key distinguishing feature of the innovative marketing approach to the organization’s management. At the initial stage of finding and generating ideas, development engineers and product marketers need high-quality marketing information to identify and select the market, which will allow them to choose a course in the development of innovative goods and services. This information should include quantitative and qualitative data on needs, the extent and methods of meeting them, as well as their dynamics. Such data will allow for such important marketing activities is known on the General theory of marketing technology STP[7], which includes three elements:
Segmentation or separation of key consumer groups of customers, characterized by a homogeneous characteristic, of a total market of aggregate customer;
Targeting — the selection of the most attractive consumer segments for product innovation;
Positioning — the creation of sustainable competitive advantages and distinctive features of retail trade enterprises, the report such information to the target buyer and reinforce these advantages in his mind.
Just note that as a set of marketing techniques, content marketing includes a whole set of different formats. In order to present information to the audience in a diverse and creative way, many types of content are used, both individually and together. There are such types as engaging, heating, and selling content. Each of them helps attract a new audience and increase sales, increase loyalty, and gradually forms the desire to purchase a specific product or service. Standard types of content marketing include: infographic (work with statistics, descriptions of complex processes), Analytics, instructions, articles and posts (tests about the product, its benefits and tips for use), reference materials, video (programs, marathons, workshops), podcasts (audio — voices of materials, for those who have no time to read or watch the video).
Like any marketing strategy, content marketing involves consistent actions. The correct definition of goals and objectives builds a working algorithm to systematize content creation processes and evaluate its effectiveness. Oleg told about this in his work “Organization of content marketing processes”. Grynko is a candidate of the Marketing Department of the Belarusian State University of Economics [3], where various approaches to understanding content marketing processes are considered. Describing various theories, schemes and their stages, the author analyzes the work of such scientists as E. Handley [4], who described the organization scheme in the following stages: creation and management, conversion and monitoring, evaluation and training. This approach is generalized in nature, but it can solve certain problems when it is aimed at a certain established audience, at the level of the marketing and content creation department. Also, in the work of Oleg Grinko describes L.’s approach Odden [5], which includes goals, audience, content plan, promotion, engagement, and analytics. This more systematic approach describes the process of implementing content marketing in more detail, but the main drawback is the lack of formation of preliminary and final budgeting for production and distribution. According to the author, the most detailed structure is described by the doctor of the University of Tehran Z. Neseri [6]. It includes 4 main stages: planning, production, distribution and measurement, collectively they represent the PPDM model. According to the author, this approach works exclusively for large organizations that have enough resources to implement a specific marketing strategy.
The listed and considered methods allow the development team at the stage of updating the concept of an innovative product to consider the full range of opinions available on the potential market regarding the product they are developing for its refinement and formation of the final specification. These methods are also necessary insurance for the company against possible failure of a new product in the market, because if a mistake was made at any stage of the innovation cycle, then the updating stage is the last one at which something can still be changed without losing large resources. At the next stage associated with commercialization, i.e. with the start of mass production, this possibility will no longer be available.
The objectives of innovation marketing are as follows:: the formation, implementation and development of complex marketing innovation; knowledge about the market and the characteristics of the demand and use them in their own activities; informing innovative project teams, R&D, production and sales divisions of the specificity and characteristics of the demand with the aim of developing, manufacturing and launch them on the market innovative products which meet existing at the stage of final demand needs; ensuring flexibility and mobility in the innovation activities of firms due to the rapid response to dynamic quantitative and qualitative changes of final demand; the market launch of the products within the market of novelty, i.e. products and services that generate and meet a fundamentally new needs, stimulation of generation of workers non-marketing departments of ideas for new products, the creation of artistic and creative atmosphere of ideopolis at the firm.
Also interesting is the idea Mike Volpe, who is vice president of marketing for HubSpot, and he believes that the vast majority of companies put too much advertising in their content, although a small amount of it is still necessary. Many people try to make the amount of advertising more, devaluing the content and making it uninteresting [9].
From this, we can conclude that large infusions into advertising may not always be rational and correct. It is enough to make good content with a minimum of advertising or to make advertising as short as possible, but extremely informative.
But from the point of view of marketing and prospects for customer engagement, different content has different significance. Since the main task of Internet marketing is to attract customers, many search engine optimization activities are aimed at increasing the number of transactions and expanding the list of potential consumers. Only these indicators are considered. Unfortunately, people search the Internet not only for the purpose of purchasing goods and do not always use social networks for purchases. Equally important is the consideration of the terms of the transaction before purchasing, as well as the subsequent support and training of consumers.
If a company is both a brand owner and a content publisher, then it is better not to create insignificant and unnecessary content. A targeted marketing and content policy that is consistent with consumers ‘ holistic perception of the brand is much more effective. Being able to see the big picture of customer engagement opportunities allows the company to use more methods to build, maintain, and improve customer relationships [13]
Interaction and cooperation of the company with the client is a form of the most correct communication between the two parties. The client will always come to a company that is already familiar to them, which is customer-oriented and values their purchasing power.
In conclusion, I would like to note that at the moment, in order to keep users in the brand territory, it is not enough for organizations to produce a high-quality product, so there is a need for content marketing, that is, creating non-advertising useful content that will attract both old and new customers.
Content marketing is an approach to promoting products or services that differs from direct advertising in that the product is not imposed on the consumer, the company does not encourage them to buy, order or subscribe. Based on the information provided, the client must make a choice — buy from the company or go to competitors. This creates a trusting relationship between the company and its users, and creates an image of a leader in the niche.
Understanding your target audience is very valuable in any type of business. Content marketing here is no different from other ways to build a customer base. What matters is not just the number of people who will see your content, but how many of them really need this information. The purpose of publications is to attract a potential client.
In the web industry, content refers to information that makes sense from a person’s point of view. Every site has its own content. Companies with small websites may need only one employee who can write fluently. But for companies with hundreds or thousands of elements of online content, you need a specialist who can evaluate what message the content should convey. Such sites may also need someone who will plan on the best way to communicate — the editor-in-chief, that is, you need a specialist in content strategy, or a content strategist [11]
Unfortunately, it is impossible to consider in one article such a serious and large issue that is addressed in our work. But in our further research, we plan to consider other interesting aspects of the same issue, such as content marketing and its value in the modern world.
- Pyanova N. V., Popova A. I., Blinchikova D. A., Lygina N. I. / SEO or content marketing: what to spend time on for a marketer / / Izvestiya Southwestern State University. Series: Economics. Sociology. Management, 2020, Vol. 10, No 5, pp. 116-123.
- Gavrikov A. / Content marketing: what is it, why is it needed, and how to develop a strategy? / URL: https://blog.completo.ru/kontent-marketing-razrabotka-strategii/ (дата обращения: 29.03.2020).
- Grinko. / Organization of content marketing processes / https://doi.org/10.29235/1818-9857-2020-2 — 64-69
- Handley E. / Everybody Writes: Your Go-To Guide to Creating Ridiculously Good Content / E. Handley. – NewYorkJersey, 2014.
- Odden L. / Selling services content. How to link Content Marketing, SEO, and Social Media into a single system / LiOdden, Moscow, 2013.
- Naseri S./ Content Marketing Process Model: A Meta-Synthesis of the Literature // http://www.webology.org/2018/v15n1/a161.pdf.
- Kotler Marketing in the third millennium // Moscow: Publ., 2000. page 87
- Cooper, R.G. The NewProd System: The Industry Experience, in: Journal of Product Innovation Management, 1992, Vol.9, pp.113-127.
- Kotler R., Rackham N., Krishnaswamy S. Ending the War Between Sales and Marketing. [Article]. // Harvard Business Review. July-August, 2006
- Stelzner M. Content marketing / New methods of attracting customers in the Internet era //. — MYTH, 2013. 13 p.
- Kisseyn E. Content Strategy Basics [Fundamentals of content strategy]. — MYTH, 2012. 5 p.
12. Stelzner M. Content marketing. New methods of attracting customers in the Internet era // — MYTH, 2013. 13 p.